West London GP practices open over Easter holiday

Over the Easter bank holiday weekend our GP practices across West London will be open as normal on Friday and Monday, offering appointments from 8am to 6:30pm.

While our GP practices are working hard this weekend to see patients, you may also notice that your local practice is working slightly differently to normal. These changes are in place throughout the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Dr Mohini Parmar, GP Chair of Ealing CCG and Primary Care Lead for the North West London COVID-19 response, said:

“Here in North West London we recognise the increased concern our patients may feel, and the continued support they need at this difficult time. GP practices in North West London will be open as normal over the upcoming Easter bank holiday. So Good Friday and Easter Monday will be normal working days and GP surgeries will be open 8am to 6.30pm.

I also want to take this opportunity to say how grateful I am to our GPs and their practice staff at this very difficult time.

I know am not alone in wanting to acknowledge the amazing job that each practice is doing in these difficult circumstances and want to extend my thanks to every single person helping keeping our practices running.”

GP practices are an important part of the NHS system during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Your local practice is open for you to use, but is working differently and we would ask you to telephone your practice in the first instance. Your practice will help you understand any changes to your GP services, and also be able to sign post you to other services when appropriate.

Good Friday and Easter Monday are normal working days and the GP practices will be open 8am to 6.30pm. You will receive a telephone assessment with a qualified health professional and then a face to face appointment if required.

Outside of these GP practice opening times (8am – 6:30pm) and at the weekend go online go online at NHS/111 for advice and support for advice and support. In a life threatening situation call 999.

Adapted from NWL Press Release 8th April

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